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School of Engineering Pedagogy, formerly Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy - HUST, was established accordingly to Decision No. 2469/GD&ĐT on August 2, 1997 by the Minister of Education and Training. Since its establishment, School of Engineering Pedagogy has undergone a number of development stages as follows: 

From 1996 to 1997: Initially, the School was named Unit of Engineering Education. Assoc. Dr. Hoang Van Phong (former principal of HUST, tenure 1997-2002, currently Minister of Science and Technology), Assoc. Nguyen Van Toan and Assoc. Luong Duyen Binh were in charge of the unit, 

The main tasks of Unit of Engineering Education are: 

• Building organizational structure and personnel for the future Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy; 

• Developing training programs and directly being in charge of undergraduate programs (the first cohort was cohort 41); 

• Establishing domestical and international relationships. 

From August 1997 to October 2003: Unit of Engineering Education became the Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy. The Dean was Assoc. Nguyen Hoa Toan, and the Vice Dean was Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Trong Binh. The Faculty includes two departments: Department of Educational Science and Technology (Assoc. Luong Duyen Binh – Head of department) and Department of Pedagogy of Engineering majors (Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Lac – Head of department). 

The basic duties of the Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy in this period were: 

• Consolidating the organizational structure and developing personnel; 

• Innovating the goals of undergraduate training and developing postgraduate training programs (the first postgraduate cohort was cohort Vietnam-Germany Master of Engineering Pedagogy 1); 

• Expanding domestical and international relationships with agencies such as Hanoi National University of Education, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education, Institute of Educational Science, General Department of Vocational Training, Department of Professional Education - Technische Universitat Dresden, etc. 

• Orienting scientific research tasks in the field of Educational Science. 

From October 2003 to October 2008: Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy continued to develop rapidly. The Dean was Dr. Nguyen Trung Son, and the Vice Deans were Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Khang (also Head of Department of Educational Science and Technology) and Dr. Le Thanh Nhu (also Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Engineering majors). 

The main tasks of the Faculty during this period were: 

• Consolidating the organizational structure and developing personnel; 

• Improving equipment and facilities; 

• Renovating undergraduate training programs in the form of credits; 

• Developing relationships with prestigious domestic and foreign training and research institutions; 

• Continuing to carry out scientific research tasks in the field of Educational Science and vocational training. 

From October 2008 to December 2011: the Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy innovated and developed, expanded in scale and improved the training quality. 

The main tasks of the Faculty during this period were:  

  • Developing the organizational structure and personnel; 

  • Training highly qualified Bachelor of Engineering Pedagogy to meet social demands; 

  • Diversifying graduate training majors and innovating graduate training curriculum in the form of credits; 

  • Offering the Doctorate program of Engineering Pedagogy; 

  • Upgrading the Faculty into a prestigious scientific research center for engineering education; 

  • Participating in consulting and fostering pedagogical skills for young staff of HUST; 

From December 2011, the Faculty of Engineering Pedagogy was upgraded to School of Engineering Pedagogy accordingly to decision No. 2952/QD-ĐHBK-TCCB dated December 21, 2011 by the Rector of Hanoi University of Science and Technology. 

From December 2016 -  December 2021   

Currently, the list of personnel of the school includes:   

Management Board  

  • Dean: Assoc. PhD. Thai The Hung  

  • Secretary, Vice Dean: PhD. Nguyen Tien Long   

  • Vice Dean: PhD. Nguyen Thi Huong Giang  

Since 2019, our School has offered Bachelor of Educational Technology in order to catch up with the world’s digital university development trend.   

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